For When it’s Time

With the world’s population stuck inside due to a global pandemic, there was a major drop in social interactions and with it the need to freshen your breath with gum. One very long year later, we found ourselves on the verge of a once-in-lifetime opportunity, a global and cultural phenomenon: our reemergence.


Enter our film for Extra. We wanted to dramatize just how joyous our return to the world could be. How great it would feel to squeeze into a pair of jeans and take to the streets—awkwardly hugging and kissing until our collective hearts’ are content. And if we’re going finally see people and come together in a giant “orgy of togetherness,” we’re going to need one thing to freshen up before each and every one of those intimate moments: Extra Gum.


It struck a nerve and turned “Get Your Ding Back” into a rallying cry for MILLIONS ready to get back out there.


Get Your Ding Back The Game

Of course, we also knew people would be out of practice. So we created a game help them retrain them for reality, Teaching them how to kiss, shake hands and put on hard pants again.

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500MM+ campaign impressions 95% POSITIVE social sentiment 1:52 AVERAGE film view time


D&AD • 1 Gold Pencil, 1 Graphite Pencil, 2 Wood Pencil, 1 Shortlist

Cannes Lions • 3 Bronze, 2 Shortlist

One Show • 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze 1 Merit

Clios • 1 Silver, 3 Bronze, 1 Shortlist

Effie • 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze